An open source HTML, CSS & JS framework for developing front-end web applications faster.
Getting started.
Start by downloading the latest version from Github.
You can download the .zip directly, or alternatively, clone the repo.
// clone github repo to your locally directory git clone
This will download the entire source for the framework including this sites HTML file as an example.
Next, either start with the base HTML file included with the download or include the files directly into your project.
Scaffolding is a simple, semantic, grid system that is extremely easy-to-use.
Just add the relevant class you to your HTML element and you're done!
// example usage <div class="one-full">your content in here...</div> <div class="one-half">your content in here...</div> <div class="one-third">your content in here...</div> <div class="two-third">your content in here...</div> <div class="one-quarter">your content in here...</div> <div class="three-quarter">your content in here...</div> <div class="one-fifth">your content in here...</div> <div class="two-fifth">your content in here...</div> <div class="three-fifth">your content in here...</div> <div class="four-fifth">your content in here...</div>
Font Icons.
Workless uses Font Awesome web-font icons, which gives you lots of icons to use in your project.
Being font-based, you can style them with CSS to change their size & color just as you would with regular type.
// example usage <i class="icon-glass"></i>
- icon-glass
- icon-music
- icon-search
- icon-envelope-o
- icon-heart
- icon-star
- icon-star-o
- icon-user
- icon-film
- icon-th-large
- icon-th
- icon-th-list
- icon-check
- icon-times
- icon-search-plus
- icon-search-minus
- icon-power-off
- icon-signal
- icon-cog
- icon-trash-o
- icon-home
- icon-file-o
- icon-clock-o
- icon-road
- icon-download
- icon-arrow-circle-o-down
- icon-arrow-circle-o-up
- icon-inbox
- icon-play-circle-o
- icon-repeat
- icon-refresh
- icon-list-alt
- icon-lock
- icon-flag
- icon-headphones
- icon-volume-off
- icon-volume-down
- icon-volume-up
- icon-qrcode
- icon-barcode
- icon-tag
- icon-tags
- icon-book
- icon-bookmark
- icon-print
- icon-camera
- icon-font
- icon-bold
- icon-italic
- icon-text-height
- icon-text-width
- icon-align-left
- icon-align-center
- icon-align-right
- icon-align-justify
- icon-list
- icon-outdent
- icon-indent
- icon-video-camera
- icon-picture-o
- icon-pencil
- icon-map-marker
- icon-adjust
- icon-tint
- icon-pencil-square-o
- icon-share-square-o
- icon-check-square-o
- icon-arrows
- icon-step-backward
- icon-fast-backward
- icon-backward
- icon-play
- icon-pause
- icon-stop
- icon-forward
- icon-fast-forward
- icon-step-forward
- icon-eject
- icon-chevron-left
- icon-chevron-right
- icon-plus-circle
- icon-minus-circle
- icon-times-circle
- icon-check-circle
- icon-question-circle
- icon-info-circle
- icon-crosshairs
- icon-times-circle-o
- icon-check-circle-o
- icon-ban
- icon-arrow-left
- icon-arrow-right
- icon-arrow-up
- icon-arrow-down
- icon-share
- icon-expand
- icon-compress
- icon-plus
- icon-minus
- icon-asterisk
- icon-exclamation-circle
- icon-gift
- icon-leaf
- icon-fire
- icon-eye
- icon-eye-slash
- icon-exclamation-triangle
- icon-plane
- icon-calendar
- icon-random
- icon-comment
- icon-magnet
- icon-chevron-up
- icon-chevron-down
- icon-retweet
- icon-shopping-cart
- icon-folder
- icon-folder-open
- icon-arrows-v
- icon-arrows-h
- icon-bar-chart
- icon-twitter-square
- icon-facebook-square
- icon-camera-retro
- icon-key
- icon-cogs
- icon-comments
- icon-thumbs-o-up
- icon-thumbs-o-down
- icon-star-half
- icon-heart-o
- icon-sign-out
- icon-linkedin-square
- icon-thumb-tack
- icon-external-link
- icon-sign-in
- icon-trophy
- icon-github-square
- icon-upload
- icon-lemon-o
- icon-phone
- icon-square-o
- icon-bookmark-o
- icon-phone-square
- icon-twitter
- icon-facebook
- icon-github
- icon-unlock
- icon-credit-card
- icon-rss
- icon-hdd-o
- icon-bullhorn
- icon-bell
- icon-certificate
- icon-hand-o-right
- icon-hand-o-left
- icon-hand-o-up
- icon-hand-o-down
- icon-arrow-circle-left
- icon-arrow-circle-right
- icon-arrow-circle-up
- icon-arrow-circle-down
- icon-globe
- icon-wrench
- icon-tasks
- icon-filter
- icon-briefcase
- icon-arrows-alt
- icon-users
- icon-link
- icon-cloud
- icon-flask
- icon-scissors
- icon-files-o
- icon-paperclip
- icon-floppy-o
- icon-square
- icon-bars
- icon-times
- icon-list-ul
- icon-list-ol
- icon-strikethrough
- icon-underline
- icon-table
- icon-magic
- icon-truck
- icon-pinterest
- icon-pinterest-square
- icon-google-plus-square
- icon-google-plus
- icon-money
- icon-caret-down
- icon-caret-up
- icon-caret-left
- icon-caret-right
- icon-columns
- icon-sort
- icon-sort-desc
- icon-sort-asc
- icon-envelope
- icon-linkedin
- icon-undo
- icon-gavel
- icon-tachometer
- icon-comment-o
- icon-comments-o
- icon-bolt
- icon-sitemap
- icon-umbrella
- icon-clipboard
- icon-lightbulb-o
- icon-exchange
- icon-cloud-download
- icon-cloud-upload
- icon-user-md
- icon-stethoscope
- icon-suitcase
- icon-bell-o
- icon-coffee
- icon-cutlery
- icon-file-text-o
- icon-building-o
- icon-hospital-o
- icon-ambulance
- icon-medkit
- icon-fighter-jet
- icon-beer
- icon-h-square
- icon-plus-square
- icon-angle-double-left
- icon-angle-double-right
- icon-angle-double-up
- icon-angle-double-down
- icon-angle-left
- icon-angle-right
- icon-angle-up
- icon-angle-down
- icon-desktop
- icon-laptop
- icon-tablet
- icon-mobile
- icon-circle-o
- icon-quote-left
- icon-quote-right
- icon-spinner
- icon-circle
- icon-reply
- icon-github-alt
- icon-folder-o
- icon-folder-open-o
- icon-smile-o
- icon-frown-o
- icon-meh-o
- icon-gamepad
- icon-keyboard-o
- icon-flag-o
- icon-flag-checkered
- icon-terminal
- icon-code
- icon-reply-all
- icon-star-half-o
- icon-location-arrow
- icon-crop
- icon-code-fork
- icon-chain-broken
- icon-question
- icon-info
- icon-exclamation
- icon-superscript
- icon-subscript
- icon-eraser
- icon-puzzle-piece
- icon-microphone
- icon-microphone-slash
- icon-shield
- icon-calendar-o
- icon-fire-extinguisher
- icon-rocket
- icon-maxcdn
- icon-chevron-circle-left
- icon-chevron-circle-right
- icon-chevron-circle-up
- icon-chevron-circle-down
- icon-html5
- icon-css3
- icon-anchor
- icon-unlock-alt
- icon-bullseye
- icon-ellipsis-h
- icon-ellipsis-v
- icon-rss-square
- icon-play-circle
- icon-ticket
- icon-minus-square
- icon-minus-square-o
- icon-level-up
- icon-level-down
- icon-check-square
- icon-pencil-square
- icon-external-link-square
- icon-share-square
- icon-compass
- icon-caret-square-o-down
- icon-caret-square-o-up
- icon-caret-square-o-right
- icon-eur
- icon-gbp
- icon-usd
- icon-inr
- icon-jpy
- icon-rub
- icon-krw
- icon-btc
- icon-file
- icon-file-text
- icon-sort-alpha-asc
- icon-sort-alpha-desc
- icon-sort-amount-asc
- icon-sort-amount-desc
- icon-sort-numeric-asc
- icon-sort-numeric-desc
- icon-thumbs-up
- icon-thumbs-down
- icon-youtube-square
- icon-youtube
- icon-xing
- icon-xing-square
- icon-youtube-play
- icon-dropbox
- icon-stack-overflow
- icon-instagram
- icon-flickr
- icon-adn
- icon-bitbucket
- icon-bitbucket-square
- icon-tumblr
- icon-tumblr-square
- icon-long-arrow-down
- icon-long-arrow-up
- icon-long-arrow-left
- icon-long-arrow-right
- icon-apple
- icon-windows
- icon-android
- icon-linux
- icon-dribbble
- icon-skype
- icon-foursquare
- icon-trello
- icon-female
- icon-male
- icon-gratipay
- icon-sun-o
- icon-moon-o
- icon-archive
- icon-bug
- icon-vk
- icon-weibo
- icon-renren
- icon-pagelines
- icon-stack-exchange
- icon-arrow-circle-o-right
- icon-arrow-circle-o-left
- icon-caret-square-o-left
- icon-dot-circle-o
- icon-wheelchair
- icon-vimeo-square
- icon-try
- icon-plus-square-o
- icon-space-shuttle
- icon-slack
- icon-envelope-square
- icon-wordpress
- icon-openid
- icon-university
- icon-graduation-cap
- icon-yahoo
- icon-google
- icon-reddit
- icon-reddit-square
- icon-stumbleupon-circle
- icon-stumbleupon
- icon-delicious
- icon-digg
- icon-pied-piper
- icon-pied-piper-alt
- icon-drupal
- icon-joomla
- icon-language
- icon-fax
- icon-building
- icon-child
- icon-paw
- icon-spoon
- icon-cube
- icon-cubes
- icon-behance
- icon-behance-square
- icon-steam
- icon-steam-square
- icon-recycle
- icon-car
- icon-taxi
- icon-tree
- icon-spotify
- icon-deviantart
- icon-soundcloud
- icon-database
- icon-file-pdf-o
- icon-file-word-o
- icon-file-excel-o
- icon-file-powerpoint-o
- icon-file-image-o
- icon-file-archive-o
- icon-file-audio-o
- icon-file-video-o
- icon-file-code-o
- icon-vine
- icon-codepen
- icon-jsfiddle
- icon-life-ring
- icon-circle-o-notch
- icon-rebel
- icon-empire
- icon-git-square
- icon-git
- icon-hacker-news
- icon-tencent-weibo
- icon-qq
- icon-weixin
- icon-paper-plane
- icon-paper-plane-o
- icon-history
- icon-circle-thin
- icon-header
- icon-paragraph
- icon-sliders
- icon-share-alt
- icon-share-alt-square
- icon-bomb
- icon-futbol-o
- icon-tty
- icon-binoculars
- icon-plug
- icon-slideshare
- icon-twitch
- icon-yelp
- icon-newspaper-o
- icon-wifi
- icon-calculator
- icon-paypal
- icon-google-wallet
- icon-cc-visa
- icon-cc-mastercard
- icon-cc-discover
- icon-cc-amex
- icon-cc-paypal
- icon-cc-stripe
- icon-bell-slash
- icon-bell-slash-o
- icon-trash
- icon-copyright
- icon-at
- icon-eyedropper
- icon-paint-brush
- icon-birthday-cake
- icon-area-chart
- icon-pie-chart
- icon-line-chart
- icon-lastfm
- icon-lastfm-square
- icon-toggle-off
- icon-toggle-on
- icon-bicycle
- icon-bus
- icon-ioxhost
- icon-angellist
- icon-cc
- icon-ils
- icon-meanpath
- icon-buysellads
- icon-connectdevelop
- icon-dashcube
- icon-forumbee
- icon-leanpub
- icon-sellsy
- icon-shirtsinbulk
- icon-simplybuilt
- icon-skyatlas
- icon-cart-plus
- icon-cart-arrow-down
- icon-diamond
- icon-ship
- icon-user-secret
- icon-motorcycle
- icon-street-view
- icon-heartbeat
- icon-venus
- icon-mars
- icon-mercury
- icon-transgender
- icon-transgender-alt
- icon-venus-double
- icon-mars-double
- icon-venus-mars
- icon-mars-stroke
- icon-mars-stroke-v
- icon-mars-stroke-h
- icon-neuter
- icon-genderless
- icon-facebook-official
- icon-pinterest-p
- icon-whatsapp
- icon-server
- icon-user-plus
- icon-user-times
- icon-bed
- icon-viacoin
- icon-train
- icon-subway
- icon-medium
- icon-y-combinator
- icon-optin-monster
- icon-opencart
- icon-expeditedssl
- icon-battery-full
- icon-battery-three-quarters
- icon-battery-half
- icon-battery-quarter
- icon-battery-empty
- icon-mouse-pointer
- icon-i-cursor
- icon-object-group
- icon-object-ungroup
- icon-sticky-note
- icon-sticky-note-o
- icon-cc-jcb
- icon-cc-diners-club
- icon-clone
- icon-balance-scale
- icon-hourglass-o
- icon-hourglass-start
- icon-hourglass-half
- icon-hourglass-end
- icon-hourglass
- icon-hand-rock-o
- icon-hand-paper-o
- icon-hand-scissors-o
- icon-hand-lizard-o
- icon-hand-spock-o
- icon-hand-pointer-o
- icon-hand-peace-o
- icon-trademark
- icon-registered
- icon-creative-commons
- icon-gg
- icon-gg-circle
- icon-tripadvisor
- icon-odnoklassniki
- icon-odnoklassniki-square
- icon-get-pocket
- icon-wikipedia-w
- icon-safari
- icon-chrome
- icon-firefox
- icon-opera
- icon-internet-explorer
- icon-television
- icon-contao
- icon-500px
- icon-amazon
- icon-calendar-plus-o
- icon-calendar-minus-o
- icon-calendar-times-o
- icon-calendar-check-o
- icon-industry
- icon-map-pin
- icon-map-signs
- icon-map-o
- icon-map
- icon-commenting
- icon-commenting-o
- icon-houzz
- icon-vimeo
- icon-black-tie
- icon-fonticons
The built-in helper classes are great. Alignment, labels, highlights and more. Just add the class and away you go.
// example usage <span class="label">Default</span> <span class="label pink">Pink</span> <span class="label green">Green</span> <span class="label blue">Blue</span> <span class="label red">Red</span> <span class="label magenta">Magenta</span> <span class="label orange">Orange</span> <span class="label yellow">Yellow</span>
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
// example usage <span class="notification">1</span> <span class="notification pink">2</span> <span class="notification green">3</span> <span class="notification blue">4</span> <span class="notification red">5</span> <span class="notification magenta">6</span> <span class="notification orange">7</span> <span class="notification yellow">8</span>
// example usage <div class="alert">Hello, welcome, isnt this nice?</div> <div class="alert alert-info">This is just a nice little message for your visitors.</div> <div class="alert alert-success">You did it, awesome, nice work.</div> <div class="alert alert-warning">This is a friendly warning, dont do that again.</div> <div class="alert alert-error">Ohh, you did it again, you broke the internet!</div>
Tons of built-in, repeatable background patterns for you to use in your projects.
Too many infact to display in the demo. To view all the available backgrounds checkout assets/css/backgrounds.css
// example usage <div class="bg-axiom"></div>
You don't even need to do anything that you wouldn't normally do when creating forms.
The framework will automatically style the elements for you!
The default table CSS does everything for you.
Simply include the tables CSS file and you're good to go!
Want more? You can add the .table-striped class to alternate each rows background color!
Tag | Description |
Wrapping element for displaying data in a tabular format |
Container element for table header rows <tr> to label table columns
Container element for table rows <tr> in the body of the table
Container element for a set of table cells <td> or <th> that appears on a single row
Default table cell |
Special table cell for column (or row, depending on scope and placement) labels. Must be used within a <thead>
Description or summary of what the table holds, especially useful for screen readers |
Tag | Description |
Wrapping element for displaying data in a tabular format |
Container element for table header rows <tr> to label table columns
Container element for table rows <tr> in the body of the table
Container element for a set of table cells <td> or <th> that appears on a single row
Default table cell |
Special table cell for column (or row, depending on scope and placement) labels. Must be used within a <thead>
Description or summary of what the table holds, especially useful for screen readers |
Tag | Description |
Wrapping element for displaying data in a tabular format |
Container element for table header rows <tr> to label table columns
Container element for table rows <tr> in the body of the table
Container element for a set of table cells <td> or <th> that appears on a single row
Default table cell |
Special table cell for column (or row, depending on scope and placement) labels. Must be used within a <thead>
Description or summary of what the table holds, especially useful for screen readers |